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Someone build me one of these, please…
By Brian | July 19, 2005 | Share on Facebook
It just occurred to me that someone has to make a scanner that’s built right into a monitor. The user would put the paper he/she was scanning right up on the screen, push a button on the monitor frame, and Whammo – the image appears on the screen. It’d be like high tech iron-on’s.
Any engineers out there have some time on their hands? Get on it!
Topics: Tech Talk | 2 Comments »
Without any mucking around, paper already sticks to a monitor via static electricity. But if that’s really a problem, all you need are air vents along the outer rim (or perhaps in the screen itself?!?) a la today’s photocopiers.
As for total darkness, there must be a way around that. Worst case, it’s a sleeve that pulls over the screen before you press scan.
Still sounds doable to me…
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