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Everyone’s Coming Down (on) Rosie…
By Brian | November 29, 2008 | Share on Facebook
Flipping through the on-screen guide just before Thanksgiving, I noticed that Rosie O’Donnell was launching a new variety show on NBC. The originals in this format were all just before my time, but since I never turn off an old Carol Burnett rerun, I hit the “Record” button on my DVR, figuring I’d get back to it at some point.
Well….the reviews are in:
James Hibberd’s The Live Feed: “There’s a notion that the climate is right for the genre to make a comeback. I guess we now know what not to do, thanks to Rosie.”
The New York Times: “Ms. O’Donnell can be very funny, but she didn’t try very hard Wednesday night. . . Lame jokes are part of the holiday variety genre, along with campy production numbers featuring sexy dancers and cute little children. Celebrity score-settling, on the other hand, belongs to the self-obsessed blogging Facebook generation. Ms. O’Donnell, who frequently takes out her frustrations in a video diary on her Web site, would have been better served leaving herself behind and sticking to the classics.”
Matt Roush: “If the TV variety format weren’t already dead, the ghastly ego trip of NBC’s Thanksgiving-eve turkey Rosie Live would surely have killed it.”
LA Times: “‘Rosie Live’ may enter the realm of unsolved mysteries, along with the fate of Amelia Earhart and the design team of the pyramids. O
Topics: Primetime TV | 2 Comments »
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