Archive for December, 2009
Helping or Hurting the Little Guy: Big Booksellers Sell Cheap Books
Monday, December 28th, 2009Building on the book theme from yesterday, we turn to this post
Categories: Money Talk, Random Acts of Blogging | 3 Comments »
ISBS Review: The Amazon Kindle
Sunday, December 27th, 2009I realize that this probably would have been more useful before Christmas, but I’ve been using the Amazon Kindle for about a month now, and I’ve finally found the time to write up a review. So, if you didn’t get one for Christmas and you’ve got stuff to return at Amazon, maybe this will help you out.
One sentence: The Amazon Kindle is surprisingly good at what it does, but surprisingly stubborn in its desire to only do that one thing.
More than one sentence: When I read a book on the Amazon Kindle, I quite often forget that I’m not reading a real book, sometimes to the point where I reach for the upper-right corner of the page to turn it, rather than pushing the “Next Page” button. Reasons for this include screen resolution, form factor and simple design.
Categories: ISBS Reviews, Tech Talk | 2 Comments »
Getting Ready for the Big Party…
Saturday, December 26th, 2009Now that Christmas is over, New York’s gearing up for the big party of the year:
Here’s hoping you’re someplace warm this New Year’s Eve. I know I will be (even at a distance of 30 miles, I’d still rather watch the ball fall on television…)
Categories: New York, New York | 1 Comment »
Some Christmas (Bronx) Cheer…
Thursday, December 24th, 2009OK, quick Christmas quiz: when you see a guy on the streets of New York dressed up like a popular children’s character, carrying a bag that says “Tips,” and harassing tourist families for money, what’s the first word that comes to mind?
Answer: Pooh.
Categories: New York, New York | 3 Comments »
How People Found Me – 2009 Edition
Thursday, December 24th, 2009Back by popular demand (well, OK, back by Ilya’s demand, but heck – I’m easy…), it’s a roundup of the most interesting and/or disturbing Google searches that led people to I Should Be Sleeping.
I used to do this monthly, but eventually slacked off. So, to make up for it, I’ve culled through the 5,930 different queries that brought people here this year, and pulled out my favorite 50. I even divided them into categories for your reading pleasure…
1) The Financial Funnies
Since this year was all about the collapsing financial markets, I thought I’d start with some “money funnies…” (sorry, but you might as well be warned, it’s going to be that kind of blog post…):
Query | Comments |
dick fuld astrological birth chart | This guy has a different theory on why Lehman Brothers went out of business
Categories: Tech Talk | 4 Comments » Figuring out the world at Age 9 – Part 692Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009My older son, Avery, asked me two interesting questions about Christmas the other day. I’ll remind you that we’re Jewish and don’t celebrate Christmas religiously, although he does have a lot of Christian friends. Q1) Daddy, what does Santa Claus bringing presents to kids have to do with the birth of Jesus? My answer: Nothing at all, Avery. Nothing at all. They are two completely separate parts of the Christmas holiday. And oh, by the way – excellent question. Q2) Daddy, do YOU think Santa Claus is real? My answer: first, I made him read this world-famous New York Sun editorial from 1897. In it, editor Francis Pharcellus Church writes:
The language is a little esoteric for a 9-year old, but it led to an interesting discussion. I asked him if he thought feelings like love and happiness were real. He said yes, of course, so I asked him how he knew, given that he’d never seen either of them. He essentially said, “I just know.” And so, I explained, that billions of people all over the world give presents to their friends and families at Christmas time, and have done so for hundreds, if not thousands of years. And the feeling that makes all of those people do this is Santa Claus. Interestingly, he asked me if parents bought their kids gifts at Christmas time during The Great Depression. I pointed him to the history of the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, which he has seen lit several times. The first tree in Rockefeller Center was erected in 1931, during the heart of the Great Depression. It was decorated with cranberries, paper garland and tin cans – all items that could be found readily at hand without spending much money. Avery concluded that Santa Claus made the workers put up the tree, so people would feel good during the holidays, even during the Depression. I realize this is not the high-pressure question that it would be for a Christian family, but I feel pretty good about the conversation, and I think that Avery (and his younger brother, Brandon, who was listening to the whole thing) understand it pretty well now. Categories: Family Matters | 14 Comments » Carrie Fisher, Episode Two – Attack of the Country Singing ClonesTuesday, December 22nd, 2009
Attention 40-something year-old men: you may now commence picturing Carrie Underwood in a metal bikini. That is all… Categories: Sports Talk, Words about Music | 5 Comments » Closing the barn door after the tomatoes have run away…Friday, December 18th, 2009Those who follow Sarah Palin (either with amusement or disdain) may have heard that at a recent book signing in Minneapolis, a man threw two tomatoes at her from a second floor balcony. So when she showed up at a Costco in Salt Lake City, the store manager took steps to prevent another drive-by fruiting:
The Costco store manager believes, apparently, that someone out there had decided to throw things at Sarah Palin when she visited the local Costco, went to Costco empty-handed, proceeded immediately to the tomato aisle, saw there were no tomatoes available, and then decided to give up and go home, rather than, you know, throwing something else at her. Score one for the ingenuity and quick action of the Salt Lake Costco manager… Categories: Political Rantings, Random Acts of Blogging | 2 Comments » A “Fundamental Moment” in Cancer ResearchThursday, December 17th, 2009BBC:
Basically, this redefines cancer from a disease to a series of genetic mutations, each of which can be studied, prevented, treated, or cured. Skin cancer (melanoma) is a combination of 30,000 “errors” in the DNA of the cancerous cells which are not present in the healthy cells. Lung cancer is a series of 23,000 errors. So now, we not only know that sun exposure causes skin cancer and smoking causes lung cancer, but we know why and how they cause it. I found this particularly eye-opening:
So, if you’re incredibly unlucky (meaning every genetic mutation you cause by smoking contributes to lung cancer), then you’ll have cancerous cells in your lungs after 1,534 cigarettes. Or, at a pack per day, in about 77 days. If only one mutation in ten hits the cancer jackpot, then you’ve got 767 days, or just over two years. After that, you’re counting on your body to produce healthy, “error-free” cells at an equal or faster rate than the cancer cells die. Too many cancer cells, and they’ll survive long enough to multiply faster than the healthy cells, at which point, you’ve got yourself a tumor. Then again, now that we know which genetic defects are at fault, we could invent the medication that prevents the defect (or corrects it, or kills cells that contain it, etc.), effectively providing the “cigarette antidote.” Think of it – a pill that comes in every pack of cigarettes. When you finish the pack, swallow this. Problem solved. The same applies, of course, to cancers that are contracted through less voluntary means. Targeted treatment against specific defects will redefine our definitions of treatment, side effects, and research priorities. Dr. Michael Stratton, of the Wellcome Trust team, calls it a “fundamental moment in cancer research:”
Categories: The Future is Now | 6 Comments » 21 Things That Became Obsolete This DecadeSaturday, December 12th, 2009Business Insider has published a list of the twenty-one things that have become obsolete during the 00’s. Unfortunately, it’s one of those sites that tries to increase their ad revenue by making you click twenty-one times to see the whole list (like advertisers don’t understand that it’s not twenty-one people seeing their ad, but the same person ignoring it over & over again? But, I digress). Anyway, since I’m technologically opposed to that sort of thing, here’s the full list (with links back to their pages in case you want to read the text behind each one). You’ll note that this list of twenty-one things has twenty-two items on it (a bonus item? Seriously? Sheesh…)
A pretty good list, I think. Your turn to chime in – what did they leave off the list? Categories: The Future is Now | 5 Comments »