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Can they *DO* that?
By Brian | August 16, 2010 | Share on Facebook
I came across a T-Mobile billboard ad the other day which contained a rather interesting disclaimer:
In case you can’t read it, here it is blown up:
…and in case you can’t read that, here’s what it says:
T-mobile and the magenta color are registered trademarks of Deutsche Telekom AG. (c) 2010 T-Mobile USA, Inc.
So, question: can they really trademark the color magenta? If so, I can see a class-action lawsuit against every kid who ever used a box of Crayola crayons coming. And you thought those RIAA folks were bad…
Topics: Random Acts of Blogging, The World Wide Weird | 5 Comments »
The various accounts I work on all have brand guidelines that dictate how ads and other collateral are supposed to look — the idea is to create a unified look for all of a given company’s collateral, using the same fonts, visual elements, etc. — and a PANTONE-coded color (usually several, actually) are almost always specified.
Doesn’t trademarking go beyond insisting that all of their branding use the same color? Doesn’t it imply (or explicitly state) that other companies can’t use that color in their ads? That’s what surprised me. If I had the time (I do not), I’d go looking for magenta in AT&T ads just to see if they’ve tried…
But announcing that magenta is considered part of their trademark is a way of preventing other people from using similar design characteristics. If you depict a rainbow in your ad for Skype, and one of the stripes is Telekom Magenta, no problem. But if that stripe ends in a magenta square, then you’ve arguably got a problem. Key word is “arguably”: by announcing that magenta is “theirs”, T-Mobile is really saying, “Yes, we have a squadron of lawyers, and we need things for them to do.”
My guess: there’s more going on with T-Mobile’s logo than most US companies — they use that for all of their European providers as well, which is crucial when you’re dealing with a mobile population which might not speak the language of the countries they visit. If any country spawns either a competitor or a spoofer who appropriates aspects of the logo, that’s a lot of corporate value blown away.
I do know this was decided by a SCOTUS decision back in the ’90s sometime…
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