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Brain Celebri-teasers: Solution

By Brian | January 20, 2011 | Share on Facebook

Welcome back to Brain Celebri-teasers. It’s time to reveal the solution to our Week #3 puzzle:

Week #3
Clue:For a while, these two women shared a twin billing in Washington
Answer:Hillary Clinton &
Monica Lewinski
Hillary and Monica certainly made political news back in the late 1990’s. Hillary, of course, is making more (and better) news these days as our Secretary of State. Monica is (thankfully) out of the public eye. The “twin billing” referred to in the clue is, of course, Bill Clinton, who they both (ahem…) shared during that crazy time.

The winner this week was Mike!

After three weeks, the standings are as follows:

PlayerPointsCorrect Answers
Jeff Porten02

Thanks for playing, everyone! Remember to check back on Monday for next week’s puzzle!

Topics: Celebri-teaser Answers | 2 Comments »

2 Responses to “Brain Celebri-teasers: Solution”

  1. Jeff Porten says at January 21st, 2011 at 2:06 am :
    Two correct answers and a score of zero? Are you outsourcing this spreadsheet to the House Republican Budget Committee?

  2. Brian says at January 21st, 2011 at 9:54 am :
    Just like a Democrat** – complaining about how unfair the game is without regard to the rules:

    Readers will be asked to post their answers in the comments section on that post, and the first comment (as determined by timestamp) will be declared that week