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Archive for February, 2011


Brain Celebri-teasers: Week #9

Monday, February 28th, 2011

Welcome back to Brain Celebri-teasers. This is Week #9. Here’s this week’s puzzle:

Week #9
Clue:It’s not easy keeping up with these guys

Categories: Brain Celebri-teasers | 4 Comments »

Brain Celebri-teasers: Solution

Thursday, February 24th, 2011

Welcome back to Brain Celebri-teasers. It’s time to reveal the solution to our Week #8 puzzle:

Week #8
Clue:In honor of President’s Day, we present these two guys for you to compare
Answer:Abraham Lincoln &
John F. Kennedy
Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy, the first and last presidents to be assassinated, are also two of the most compared presidents in American history. And, for the record, I agree with Jason – their combined picture does bear a striking resemblance to Ronald Reagan.

The winner this week was Mike!

After eight weeks, the standings are as follows:

PlayerPointsCorrect Answers
Jeff Porten23

Thanks for playing, everyone! Remember to check back on Monday for next week’s puzzle!”

Categories: Celebri-teaser Answers | 3 Comments »

Brain Celebri-teasers: Week #8

Monday, February 21st, 2011

Welcome back to Brain Celebri-teasers. This is Week #8. Here’s this week’s puzzle:

Week #8
Clue:In honor of President’s Day, we present these two guys for you to compare

Remember – the solution will be posted on Thursday, so you have 3-4 days to guess. Put your answer in the comments section – first comment (by timestamp) wins.

Now that the contest is over, you can click here to see the answer.

Good luck!

Categories: Brain Celebri-teasers | 4 Comments »

Calling out the .com in familygreenberg.com

Friday, February 18th, 2011

My buddy Jeff Porten name checked me (domain-checked me?) in his TidBITS article yesterday, so I figured the least I can do is respond with some thoughts of my own.

First of all, if you’re here visiting from TidBITS, welcome! Have a look around. Stay awhile. I’ve got this really cool Photoshop celebrity contest going on called Brain Celebri-teasers which could always use some fresh faces. And while it hasn’t appeared that way lately, I do occasionally write, you know, WORDS.

Now that we’ve taken care of the formalities, on to Jeff’s topic about top-level domains (TLD’s). He speaks of the .nxt conference, at which various marketing people are trying to convince the world that hershey.candy would sell more chocolate bars than hershey.com. He then asserts that most people surf the web with Google these days anyway (even finding www.google.com using their Google search bar), making the TLD an anachronism of that ancient animal known as the “90’s Web.”

I don’t disagree with him. Owning familygreenberg.com

Categories: Tech Talk | 5 Comments »

Brain Celebri-teasers: Solution

Thursday, February 17th, 2011

Welcome back to Brain Celebri-teasers. It’s time to reveal the solution to our Week #7 puzzle:

Week #7
Clue:In honor of Valentine’s Day, we have a couple who found love very early in life
Answer:Andre Aggasi &
Steffi Graf
Yes, both Andre Aggasi and Steffi Graf found love early in life . . . on the tennis court, that is. Of course, they eventually found love with each other, setting a professional sports record for Most Pressure Put on Offspring to be Freakin’ Awesome at Their Parents’ Sport. But I guess we’ll have to wait & see how that turns out.

[Editor’s Note: Can I just say, by the way, that the Photoshopped combo person is wearing an earing, and that it’s HIS earing, not hers. I thought that was a nice touch…]

The winner this week was Suzanne (although Mike came very, very close…)!

After seven weeks, the standings are as follows:

PlayerPointsCorrect Answers
Jeff Porten23

Thanks for playing, everyone! Remember to check back on Monday for next week’s puzzle!

Categories: Celebri-teaser Answers | 1 Comment »

Brain Celebri-teasers: Week #7

Monday, February 14th, 2011

Welcome back to Brain Celebri-teasers. This is Week #7. Here’s this week’s puzzle:

Week #7
Clue:In honor of Valentine’s Day, we have a couple who found love very early in life

Remember – the solution will be posted on Thursday, so you have 3-4 days to guess. Put your answer in the comments section – first comment (by timestamp) wins.

Now that the contest is over, you can click here to see the answer.

Good luck!

Categories: Brain Celebri-teasers | 4 Comments »

Brain Celebri-teasers: Solution

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

Welcome back to Brain Celebri-teasers. It’s time to reveal the solution to our Week #6 puzzle:

Week #6
Clue:These guys rocked, rolled, and left them wanting more
Answer:Elvis Presley &
Kurt Cobain
These guys did indeed leave them wanting more, as both died way before their time.

The winner this week was Mike!

After six weeks, the standings are as follows:

PlayerPointsCorrect Answers
Jeff Porten23

Thanks for playing, everyone! Remember to check back on Monday for next week’s puzzle!

Categories: Celebri-teaser Answers | 3 Comments »

Brain Celebri-teasers: Week #6

Monday, February 7th, 2011

Welcome back to Brain Celebri-teasers. This is Week #6. Here’s this week’s puzzle:

Week #6
Clue:These guys rocked, rolled, and left them wanting more

Remember – the solution will be posted on Thursday, so you have 3-4 days to guess. Put your answer in the comments section – first comment (by timestamp) wins.

Now that the contest is over, you can click here to see the answer.

Good luck!

Categories: Brain Celebri-teasers | 3 Comments »

Brain Celebri-teasers: Solution

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

Welcome back to Brain Celebri-teasers. It’s time to reveal the solution to our Week #5 puzzle:

Week #5
Clue:Too bad these guys can’t play together in Philadelphia
Answer:Peyton Manning &
Eli Manning
Peyton and Eli Manning have the kind of jobs that keep their parents busy every Sunday for sixteen weeks – even longer if they have successful seasons. Too bad the Philadelphia Eagles can’t find a way to have two star quarterbacks – it’d be great to have these guys playing in the City of Brotherly Love…

The winner this week was Mike!

After four weeks, the standings are as follows:

PlayerPointsCorrect Answers
Jeff Porten23

Thanks for playing, everyone! Remember to check back on Monday for next week’s puzzle!

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