Meat Loaf and Ozzy Ozbourne both have strange associations with food (one involving a name change, and one involving biting heads off of live poultry). They also both have a history with reality TV shows. Coincidence? I think not
Categories: Celebri-teaser Answers | Comments Off on Brain Celebri-teasers: Solution
Monday, May 23rd, 2011
Welcome back to Brain Celebri-teasers. This is Week #21. Here’s this week’s puzzle:
Week #21 | Category: | Music | Difficulty: | Easy | Clue: | When it comes to mixing music and food, many say these guys are bats**t crazy |  |
Remember – the solution will be posted on Thursday, so you have 3-4 days to guess. Put your answer in the comments section – first comment (by timestamp) wins.
Now that the contest is over, you can click here to see the answer.
Good luck!”
Categories: Brain Celebri-teasers | 2 Comments »
Thursday, May 19th, 2011
Welcome back to Brain Celebri-teasers. It’s time to reveal the solution to our Week #20 puzzle:
Week #20 | Category: | Movies/TV | Difficulty: | Hard | Clue: | One of these guys is likely thinking about the other today | Answer: | Jim Henson & Frank Oz |  |  |  | This week’s was tricky, I know, since neither of these men ever appeared in front of the camera, but their work makes them perhaps two of the most famous people in the world. Jim Henson died twenty-one years ago this past Monday (May 16, 1990) at the altogether-too-young age of 53. The mark he made, though, along with his partner Frank’s voice, continue to live on today. |
The winner this week was Mike!
After twenty weeks, the standings are as follows:
Player | Points | Correct Answers | Mike | 11 | 7 | Suzanne | 9 | 5 | Konstantin | 5 | 9 | Ilya | 4 | 13 | Hilary | 3 | 1 | Zach | 3 | 1 | Jeff Porten | 2 | 4 | Joe | 1 | 1 | Jason | 0 | 3 | Jim | 0 | 1 | Harmon | 0 | 1 | Lee Salz | 0 | 1 | Lisa Rafal | 0 | 1 | Kelly Nase | 0 | 1 |
Thanks for playing, everyone! Remember to check back on Monday for next week’s puzzle!
Categories: Celebri-teaser Answers | Comments Off on Brain Celebri-teasers: Solution
Tuesday, May 17th, 2011
As some of you may have heard, the rumor is that the world is going to end on May 21, 2011. Well, I have plans next week, so I figure I’d Google it and investigate. Check out the rather alarming (or comforting?) Google autocomplete on the subject:
OK, so here’s where we stand so far: 2011 seems to be maintaining its lead, but 2012 is coming on fast. 2013 seems to be struggling badly, trailing even poor ol’ 2010, who is severely handicapped in the race, given that it exists only in the past. Stay tuned to this station for further polling data as it becomes available…
Categories: The World Wide Weird | Comments Off on The End of the World – Again…
Monday, May 16th, 2011
Welcome back to Brain Celebri-teasers. This is Week #20. Here’s this week’s puzzle:
Week #20 | Category: | Movies/TV | Difficulty: | Hard | Clue: | One of these guys is likely thinking about the other today |  |
Remember – the solution will be posted on Thursday, so you have 3-4 days to guess. Put your answer in the comments section – first comment (by timestamp) wins.
Now that the contest is over, you can click here to see the answer.
Good luck!
Categories: Brain Celebri-teasers | 3 Comments »
Thursday, May 12th, 2011
Welcome back to Brain Celebri-teasers. It’s time to reveal the solution to our Week #19 puzzle:
Week #19 | Category: | Movies/TV | Difficulty: | Medium | Clue: | On Mother’s Day, we honor two ladies who were always there to lend an ear or a friendly smile | Answer: | Mary Tyler Moore & Carol Burnett |  |  |  | One could turn the world on with her smile, the other with a tug on her ear. This week’s pairing includes two of the funniest women in history – Mary Tyler Moore and Carol Burnett. |
The winner this week was Suzanne!
After nineteen weeks, the standings are as follows:
Player | Points | Correct Answers | Suzanne | 9 | 5 | Mike | 8 | 6 | Konstantin | 5 | 9 | Ilya | 4 | 13 | Hilary | 3 | 1 | Zach | 3 | 1 | Jeff Porten | 2 | 4 | Joe | 1 | 1 | Jason | 0 | 3 | Jim | 0 | 1 | Harmon | 0 | 1 | Lee Salz | 0 | 1 | Lisa Rafal | 0 | 1 | Kelly Nase | 0 | 1 |
Thanks for playing, everyone! Remember to check back on Monday for next week’s puzzle!
Categories: Celebri-teaser Answers | 1 Comment »
Monday, May 9th, 2011
Welcome back to Brain Celebri-teasers. This is Week #19. Here’s this week’s puzzle:
Week #19 | Category: | Movies/TV | Difficulty: | Medium | Clue: | On Mother’s Day, we honor two ladies who were always there to lend an ear or a friendly smile |  |
Remember – the solution will be posted on Thursday, so you have 3-4 days to guess. Put your answer in the comments section – first comment (by timestamp) wins.
Now that the contest is over, you can click here to see the answer.
Good luck!
Categories: Brain Celebri-teasers | 2 Comments »
Sunday, May 8th, 2011
Welcome back to Brain Celebri-teasers. It’s time to reveal the solution to our Week #18 puzzle:
Week #18 | Category: | Movies/TV | Difficulty: | Easy | Clue: | This week’s pair is intended specifically in honor of Wednesday. | Answer: | Ewan McGregor & Alec Guinness |  |  |  | Since Wednesday was May 4th, known forever on social media sites as “”Star Wars day,”” this week’s puzzle features the two Obi-Wan Kenobis – Ewan McGregor and Alec Guinness. May the fourth be with you! |
The winner this week was Konstantin!
After eighteen weeks, the standings are as follows:
Player | Points | Correct Answers | Mike | 8 | 6 | Suzanne | 7 | 4 | Konstantin | 5 | 9 | Ilya | 4 | 13 | Hilary | 3 | 1 | Zach | 3 | 1 | Jeff Porten | 2 | 4 | Joe | 1 | 1 | Jason | 0 | 3 | Jim | 0 | 1 | Harmon | 0 | 1 | Lee Salz | 0 | 1 |
Thanks for playing, everyone! Remember to check back on Monday for next week’s puzzle!”
Categories: Celebri-teaser Answers | 1 Comment »
Monday, May 2nd, 2011
Welcome back to Brain Celebri-teasers. This is Week #18. Here’s this week’s puzzle:
Week #18 | Category: | Movies/TV | Difficulty: | Easy | Clue: | This week’s pair is intended specifically in honor of Wednesday. |  |
Remember – the solution will be posted on Thursday, so you have 3-4 days to guess. Put your answer in the comments section – first comment (by timestamp) wins.
Now that the contest is over, you can click here to see the answer.
Good luck!
Categories: Brain Celebri-teasers | 3 Comments »