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Ch-Ch-Changes – Week #4
By Brian | January 25, 2012 | Share on Facebook
Welcome back to Ch-Ch-Changes. Here is the puzzle for Week #4:
See if you can spot the NINE things I changed in this final scene from FRIENDS:

(Clicking on the photographs will make them bigger, and arrow left/right will toggle between them when they’re big)
One point will be awarded for each correctly identified change. Answers will be posted on Monday morning. Comments will go into a moderation queue until the contest is over…
Good luck!
Topics: Ch-Ch-Changes | 5 Comments »
2. Wall lamp removed above Ross’ head.
3. Phoebe’s knees no longer blue.
4. Rachel got a watch.
5. Chandler got glasses.
6. Handles added to cabinets above Chandler’s head.
7. Ross changed pants.
8. Monica has a button on her jacket.
9. Alligator added to Joey’s shirt.
* Damnit, you made me have to go and remember these people’s names.
Ross is wearing blue jeans
Monica has an Obama button?
Cabinets are easier to open
Chandler can see better
Lamp thingy has fallen off the wall
Rachel has a watch or bracelet or handcuffs
Phoebe’s knees are cold
Can’t see the last one, so I’ll guess: that’s not Phoebe, that’s Ursula.
2. Ross’ pants
3. Rachel is not wearing a watch
4. Chandler’s glasses
5. Joey has a logo on the teeshirt
6.Door handles on the cabinets
7.Monica has a pin on her jacket
8. I’m not sure what it is, but looks like a lamp on the back wall, or blob coming out of the stone.
2. Light fixture is gone from the back wall
3. Door handles appear on the cabinets above the fridge
4. Joey has Lacoste logo on his shirt
5. Phoebe’s pantyhose is pinkish, not purplish
6. Rachel has a watch
7. Ross is wearing jeans instead of khakis
8. Chandler is wearing glasses
9. Monica has a (Domino’s?) pin
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