Archive for February, 2012
Through the Filters: Jeremy Lin on How to Get Into Harvard
Monday, February 13th, 2012This just goes to show you, even when you’re the biggest star in the NBA, the stupid crap you did as a college student stays around to haunt you:
Categories: Through the Filters | 57,442 Comments »
Ch-Ch-Changes – Week #6
Wednesday, February 8th, 2012Welcome back to Ch-Ch-Changes. Here is the puzzle for Week #6:
See if you can spot the SEVEN things I changed in this photo of Usain Bolt setting the world record for the 100-meter dash at the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing:

One point will be awarded for each correctly identified change. Answers will be posted on Monday morning. Comments will go into a moderation queue until the contest is over…
Good luck!
Categories: Ch-Ch-Changes | 4 Comments »
Through the Filters: The Ferris Bueller Superbowl Ad
Tuesday, February 7th, 2012This has been floating around the Internet for a while now, but when it aired on the Superbowl, it was cut down to a much shorter version of the original, which I thought was a crying shame. So, in case you missed it, I’m posting it here in all its glory:
In looking it up on YouTube, I also found this, which is a rather clever side-by-side comparison of the commercial and the scenes from the original movie that it parodies:
Enjoy, folks. And remember – the question isn’t what videos you’re going to watch today, it’s what videos you aren’t going to watch today… ;-)
Categories: Through the Filters | 5,914 Comments »
Ch-Ch-Changes – Week #5
Wednesday, February 1st, 2012Welcome back to Ch-Ch-Changes. Here is the puzzle for Week #5:
See if you can spot the ELEVEN things I changed in this familiar scene from THE SIMPSONS:

One point will be awarded for each correctly identified change. Answers will be posted on Monday morning. Comments will go into a moderation queue until the contest is over…
Good luck!
Categories: Ch-Ch-Changes | 3 Comments »