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Blogger’s Back . . . AGAIN!!!

By Brian | April 27, 2008 | Share on Facebook

After another 5-day outage, Blogger appears to be back & publishing again. Forgive me for being cynical, but we’ll see how long it lasts this time.

And for what it’s worth, still no response to my Blogger support e-mail request, nor any mention of it on Blogger Buzz or any of the message boards I’ve been able to find.

Oh, and lest you think I’m only bashing Blogger here, I went to Yahoo’s support page (my site is hosted at Yahoo), filled out the form, and got a Failure to Deliver e-mail back, telling me that the e-mail address the form used doesn’t exist in the Yahoo domain.

What gives? Did the world agree to abandon all tech support while I was asleep one night?

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