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Ch-Ch-Changes – Week #5

By Brian | February 1, 2012 | Share on Facebook

Welcome back to Ch-Ch-Changes. Here is the puzzle for Week #5:

See if you can spot the ELEVEN things I changed in this familiar scene from THE SIMPSONS:

(Clicking on the photographs will make them bigger, and arrow left/right will toggle between them when they’re big)

One point will be awarded for each correctly identified change. Answers will be posted on Monday morning. Comments will go into a moderation queue until the contest is over…

Good luck!

Topics: Ch-Ch-Changes | 3 Comments »

3 Responses to “Ch-Ch-Changes – Week #5”

  1. Michael Weinmayr says at February 1st, 2012 at 12:16 pm :
    1. Straightened the picture.
    2. Named the boat in the picture.
    3. Removed the wall plug.
    4. Changed the frosting on the cupcakes.
    5. Changed the brand of beer.
    6. Refleshed the fish on the floor.
    7. Bought them a TiVo.
    8. Changed the baby’s clothes.
    9. Added a Band-Aid to Bart.
    10. Removed Lisa’s eyelashes.
    11. Added an earring to Marge.

    And the television isn’t on. That’s because it isn’t plugged in anymore.

  2. konstantin says at February 1st, 2012 at 12:40 pm :
    1. The picture is on straight
    2. Duff bear is replaced by Bud
    3. Cupcakes are changed to chocolate
    4. Fish is whole instead of a skeleton
    5. Bart has a band-aid on the knee
    6. Maggie is wearing pink instead of blue
    7. Antennae is removed
    8. There is a TiVo logo on the receiver
    9. Homer has extra hair on his head
    10. Marge is wearing earrings
    11. Lisa’s eyelashes are moved.

  3. Ilya says at February 2nd, 2012 at 10:47 am :
    1. Budweiser logo on the can by the couch
    2. Straightened picture on the wall – it is also smaller in size, but I assume that is not meant as a separate change
    3. “SS Bart” on ship’s hull on the picture
    4. Brownish cupcakes
    5. Ghost of fish
    6. The baby wears pink – is the bow a separate change?
    7. Homer has an extra hair on his head
    8. Some sort of cable in the corner
    9. The older girl (sorry, I never watched Simpsons, I don’t know all the characters’ names) is missing her eyelashes
    10. TiVo logo on the set-top box
    11. Bandaid on Bart’s knee