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Ch-Ch-Changes – Week #6

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

Welcome back to Ch-Ch-Changes. Here is the puzzle for Week #6:

See if you can spot the SEVEN things I changed in this photo of Usain Bolt setting the world record for the 100-meter dash at the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing:

(Clicking on the photographs will make them bigger, and arrow left/right will toggle between them when they’re big)

One point will be awarded for each correctly identified change. Answers will be posted on Monday morning. Comments will go into a moderation queue until the contest is over…

Good luck!

Categories: Ch-Ch-Changes | 4 Comments »

Ch-Ch-Changes – Week #5

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

Welcome back to Ch-Ch-Changes. Here is the puzzle for Week #5:

See if you can spot the ELEVEN things I changed in this familiar scene from THE SIMPSONS:

(Clicking on the photographs will make them bigger, and arrow left/right will toggle between them when they’re big)

One point will be awarded for each correctly identified change. Answers will be posted on Monday morning. Comments will go into a moderation queue until the contest is over…

Good luck!

Categories: Ch-Ch-Changes | 3 Comments »

Ch-Ch-Changes: Solution – Week #4

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012

Welcome back to Ch-Ch-Changes. It’s time to reveal the solution to the Week #4 puzzle:

The nine changes to this picture were:

  1. The friends are looking at an oven timer instead of their keys to the apartment
  2. The cabinets above the fridge have handles
  3. The light fixture next to the cabinets is gone
  4. Ross is wearing blue jeans intsead of khakis
  5. Chandler is wearing glasses
  6. Rachel is wearing a watch
  7. Monica is wearing a TGI Friday’s pin on her jean jacket
  8. Joey has a Lacoste logo on his shirt
  9. Phoebe isn’t wearing leggings anymore

Click here to see all of your guesses from the original post.

Congrats to all who guessed correctly. The scores after three weeks are as follows:

Player Correct Answers
Ilya 30
Michael Weinmayr 27
Konstantin 26
Jeff Porten 14
Joe Woods 5
Harlan Freilicher (via Facebook) 4

See you next Wednesday! And remember – comments on the puzzle post will be moderated, so you can all guess independently of each other!

Thanks for playing…

Categories: Ch-Ch-Changes | 112,948 Comments »

Ch-Ch-Changes – Week #4

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

Welcome back to Ch-Ch-Changes. Here is the puzzle for Week #4:

See if you can spot the NINE things I changed in this final scene from FRIENDS:

(Clicking on the photographs will make them bigger, and arrow left/right will toggle between them when they’re big)

One point will be awarded for each correctly identified change. Answers will be posted on Monday morning. Comments will go into a moderation queue until the contest is over…

Good luck!

Categories: Ch-Ch-Changes | 5 Comments »

Ch-Ch-Changes: Solution – Week #3

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

Welcome back to Ch-Ch-Changes. It’s time to reveal the solution to the Week #3 puzzle:

The eight changes to this picture were:

  1. The road sign on the left side of the road that says, “Caution: Beatles Crossing”
  2. The VW Bug parked on the left is light blue instead of light yellow
  3. John Lennon’s sneakers have Adidas stripes on them
  4. Ringo Starr has had his beard shaved
  5. The people on the sidewalks (both sides) have been removed
  6. The cars driving on the road in the distance have also been removed
  7. Paul McCartney is not holding a cigarette
  8. George Harrison is holding (Paul’s?) cigarette

…and NEW THIS WEEK: Click here to see, for the first time, all of your guesses.

Also, a minor apology: several people guessed that the two groups of people I removed from the sidewalks were two separate changes (I had counted them as one). In those cases, I e-mailed the contestants and told them they were missing one, just to make it fair. In the future, I will try to make each change “hang together” as one, obvious change. Ah well, you get what you pay for, right? And this thing is free… ;-)

Anyway, congrats to all who guessed correctly. The scores after three weeks are as follows:

Player Correct Answers
Ilya 21
Konstantin 18
Michael Weinmayr 18
Jeff Porten 6
Joe Woods 5
Harlan Freilicher (via Facebook) 4

See you next Wednesday! And remember – next week, comments will be moderated, so you can all guess independently of each other!

Thanks for playing…

Categories: Ch-Ch-Changes | 273 Comments »

Ch-Ch-Changes – Week #3

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012

Welcome back to Ch-Ch-Changes. Here is the puzzle for Week #3:

See if you can spot the EIGHT things I changed in this iconic album cover:

(Clicking on the photographs will make them bigger, and arrow left/right will toggle between them when they’re big)

One point will be awarded for each correctly identified change. Answers will be posted on Monday morning.

Good luck!

Categories: Ch-Ch-Changes | 5 Comments »

Ch-Ch-Changes: Solution – Week #2

Monday, January 16th, 2012

Welcome back to Ch-Ch-Changes. It’s time to reveal the solution to the Week #2 puzzle:

The eight changes to this picture were:

  1. The men are sitting over Chicago, not New York
  2. Man on the left is holding a Dunkin’ Donuts box
  3. Fourth man from the left is wearing a necktie
  4. Sixth man from the left is holding a MacBook
  5. Eighth man from the left is holding a cup of Starbucks coffee
  6. Ninth man from the left is holding the New York Times from the day Osama bin Laden was killed
  7. Tenth man from the left has a Nike Swoosh on his hat
  8. Twelfth man from the left (man on the right?) is Babe Ruth

Congrats to all who guessed correctly. The scores after two weeks are as follows:

Player Correct Answers
Ilya 13
Konstantin 11
Michael Weinmayr 10
Jeff Porten 6
Joe Woods 5
Harlan Freilicher (via Facebook) 4

See you next Wednesday! And remember – next week, comments will be moderated, so you can all guess independently of each other!

Thanks for playing…

Categories: Ch-Ch-Changes | 206 Comments »

Ch-Ch-Changes – Week 2

Wednesday, January 11th, 2012

Welcome back to Ch-Ch-Changes. Here is the puzzle for Week #2:

See if you can spot the EIGHT things I changed in this iconic photograph:

(Clicking on the photographs will make them bigger, and arrow left/right will toggle between them when they’re big)

One point will be awarded for each correctly identified change. Answers will be posted on Monday morning.

Good luck!

Categories: Ch-Ch-Changes | 9 Comments »

Ch-Ch-Changes: Solution – Week #1

Monday, January 9th, 2012

Welcome back to Ch-Ch-Changes. It’s time to reveal the solution to the Week #1 puzzle:

The five changes to this picture were:

  1. The colors of the stripes on the American Flag were reversed (White <-> Red)

  2. The reflection in the astronaut’s helmet was changed from the photographer on the moon to the earth

  3. The astronaut is wearing a Star Trek communicator on his right breast

  4. The astronaut is wearing an iPod Classic on his right sleeve

  5. The moon rover has a Lexus logo on its hubcap

Congrats to all who guessed correctly. The scores after one week are as follows:

PlayerCorrect Answers
Michael Weinmayr5
Joe Woods5
Harlan Freilicher (via Facebook)4

See you next Wednesday! Thanks for playing…

Categories: Ch-Ch-Changes | 4 Comments »

Ch-Ch-Changes – Week 1

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

Welcome to Ch-Ch-Changes. Here is the puzzle for Week #1:

See if you can spot the FIVE things I changed in this iconic photograph:

(Clicking on the photographs will make them bigger, and arrow left/right will toggle between them when they’re big)

One point will be awarded for each correctly identified change. Answers will be posted on Monday morning.

Good luck!

Categories: Ch-Ch-Changes | 6 Comments »