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Happy Birthday to Me…

By Brian | November 18, 2010 | Share on Facebook

Today’s my birthday, which I mention only as an excuse to share what has become my kids’ favorite YouTube video:

The credits say Adam Sandler, but it sounds more like Weird Al Yankovic at the mic. Maybe Sandler wrote it and someone else sang it? Anyway, let’s hear it for me – another trip around the sun and I haven’t died yet – let’s all eat some cake!

Topics: Family Matters | 2 Comments »

2 Responses to “Happy Birthday to Me…”

  1. Michael Weinmayr says at November 18th, 2010 at 9:40 am :
    As the resident comedy music expert, this sounds nothing like Weird Al. If you didn’t notice the popover comment, someone else misspelled “The Arrogant Worms” over the Adam Sandler credit. This is an accurate correction.


  2. Brian says at November 18th, 2010 at 1:16 pm :
    I knew you’d weigh in, Michael. Thanks!