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Brian Celebri-teasers Wrap-Up
By Brian | December 29, 2011 | Share on Facebook
Today’s results post wraps up the year for the Brain Celebri-teasers contest. The winner walking away was Mike, with 39 points. Honorable mention goes to Mike’s wife, Hilary who, with two correct answers in the last two weeks, vaulted from fifth place to second. Also of note: Ilya had the most correct answers (21 of the 52 possible puzzles), although he has pointed out to me that he would have had more, but chose not to answer once he saw that someone else had posted the correct answer on several occasions (a problem I hope to correct with this year’s contest – see below). Ilya’s brother, Konstantin, came in second with 20, and Mike (our winner) had 19.
This is what passes for drama here at Brian Celebri-teasers. ;-)
Anyway, a couple of wrap-up notes, if I may:
First, thanks to all who played. I enjoyed making the pictures, learned a lot about Photoshop (my own, ulterior motive), and hopefully gave everyone a few seconds of diversion each week.
Second, I have found a few occasions where I’ve wanted to walk people through the puzzles and play the game “in real time.” To facilitate this, I’ve recategorized the posts into two groups. If you click on the Brain Celebri-teasers category in the menu on the right, you’ll get all fifty-two puzzles in (reverse chornological) order. Each puzzle now has a link to it’s own answer as well. If you just want to see the answers, you can click on the Celebri-teaser Answers category, which will show all of those posts in order.
Finally, I’m ready to announce next year’s contest. I’m calling it Ch-Ch-Changes, and it will premiere on Wednesday, January 5th. Here’s how it will work:
I’ll post an image that we’re all familiar with (either an iconic photograph or a scene from a popular movie or TV show), followed immediately by a Photoshopped version of the same photograph, which contains several subtle changes to the original. I’ll tell you how many things I’ve changed and ask you to guess in the comments. You’ll get one point for each change you identify before anyone else does. So there’s still an advantage to being first, but there’s also still reason to play if you’re not first, unless some smart-aleck finds all the changes on their first shot.
Answers will be revealed the following Monday (unless I get too busy, in which case they’ll be revealed sometime after that). After completing just one of these, I can tell you that they are more challenging for me, Photoshop-wise, but should also provide more of a challenge for you guys.
Good luck to all! And Happy New Year!!!
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