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Problem Getting into Webkinz World?

By Brian | April 27, 2008 | Share on Facebook

If you’ve got kids, and they’re anything like my kids, then Webkinz world is a familiar place. Both of my sons login regularly to feed and play with their virtual pet, and to complete the hourly, daily, and specially highlighted tasks that can earn them KinzCash, with which they can buy their pal anything from food to furniture to medical attention.

So imagine the disappointment when, suddenly and without warning, a visit to the Webkinz URL, http://www.webkinz.com/, started returning an HTML error and wouldn’t let them on the page? I mean, it’s like the kids’ equivalent of Blogger doing down for twelve days!

Anyway, Webkinz technical support here with a solution. Use the following URL:


Voila! Problem solved.

For the geeky, tech folks out there, here’s what’s going on: the main URL, www.webkinz.com, is receiving a parameter that tells it what location you’re in, for the purposes (I believe) of displaying the site in your native language. But the programming logic that interprets this parameter is not working, causing the “Error on Page” message. By deep linking directly to the United States/English page (www.webkinz.com/us_en/), you bypass this faulty logic and proceed directly to the site itself.

It’s been about a week now, and no one at Webkinz seems to have noticed, even though the number of kids logging in has to have dropped dramatically (has everyone figured this out on their own?). As I said earlier, it’s like someone decided that customer service and technical support were just going to shutdown around the world, and no one told me…

Anyway, enjoy your Webkinz. I’ll accept my fee in KinzCash…

Topics: Family Matters, Tech Talk | 7 Comments »

7 Responses to “Problem Getting into Webkinz World?”

  1. Anonymous says at May 13th, 2008 at 9:59 pm :
    Thank you Brian!!! Your answer was the best news I heard all day!


  2. Anonymous says at May 17th, 2008 at 11:24 pm :
    thank you so much that really helped me i was so upset because i got a new pet the little white mouse and i finally got it from the website you said to go to.you deserve one thousand kinz cash.thanks brian

  3. Brian says at May 18th, 2008 at 1:01 am :
    Glad to have been of service, folks.

    Enjoy Webkinz world!

  4. Christine says at May 24th, 2008 at 4:14 pm :
    Thank you Thank you Thank you! I have been pulling my hair out for days trying to get on webkinz and getting a message saying invalid url. I tried everything! Just clicked on your link and took me right there! My four year old thanks you!

  5. Christine says at May 24th, 2008 at 4:22 pm :
    I left a comment above. When I click on the link it takes me to the page, when I go to sign in it won’t except any login info. Have you had a prob with this. the login info is all xxx’s

  6. Brian says at May 24th, 2008 at 9:20 pm :

    Typically, the userid is in letters, and the password is all XXX’s. If it’s not working, there are a few possibilities:

    1) You’re typing in the wrong password, and you can’t see it because it’s all XXX’s. Type carefully!

    2) You have the CAPS LOCK key on. Passwords are case sensitive (meaning a capital “A” is not the same letter as a lowercase “a”). If you have your CAPS LOCK key on, all of your upper/lower case letters will be reversed, and Webkinz will tell you the password is invalid.

    3) Webkinz is having trouble with their server. Aside from the problem I describe above, Webkinz periodically has trouble with their system, and you just have to try again later. It’s frustrating, but there’s no way around that.

    My advice is to give the first two things a try and if it still doesn’t work, wait a little while & try again.

    Good luck!

  7. Anonymous says at June 25th, 2008 at 9:29 am :
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you from a very reliefed Mom and 2 very happy boys.