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The things you find when you’re packing…
By Brian | April 27, 2008 | Share on Facebook
As some of my loyal readers know, I’m about to move out of my house for 4-6 months to undergo a major home renovation. As exciting as it is, it means this weekend is dedicated almost entirely to packing up every single thing we own, so we can move it into a storage container on our driveway while the wrecking ball has it’s way with our beloved home.
It’s amazing the things you find when you have to physically handle every single one of your possessions. This one’s for Jeff Porten:
(Click image to enlarge)
That, my friends, is the manual for the Fat Mac (now with 512K of memory; hard drive not yet invented). The actual machine itself is in the guest room closet, right next to the ImageWriter printer. That closet is on tomorrow’s list – maybe I’ll post some updated pics here when I get to it.
Oh, and just so everyone doesn’t think I’ve gone over to the dark side, this was on the same shelf:
(Click image to enlarge)
Ah yes, Windows for Workgroups and MS-DOS 6.2. Man, those were the days… ;-)
Topics: Tech Talk | 4 Comments »
This anecdote is not known to Wikipedia, so here’s your chance to decide which of us you trust more.
I think the best way to reconcile the discrepancy is for you to put your anecdote in Wikipedia & see if anyone takes it out. ;-)
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