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Philosophical Questions for the 21st Century
By Brian | October 20, 2005 | Share on Facebook
If the person you’re talking to sneezes with his phone on mute, do you need to say “God Bless You?”
And if you say “God Bless You” while you’re on mute, and the person doesn’t hear it, is he really blessed?
Topics: Random Acts of Blogging | 2 Comments »
My version: if you say gesundtheit because you picked it up from your Yiddish-fluent grandmother when you were four, and one day you say it to a German and he reacts with obvious pleasure at your cultural sensitivity, do you silently take the accidental credit?
Someone at work sneezes while on mute, tells you about it, and sparks a cute conversation that makes it onto your blog. In the blog version, you say “God Bless You” instead of “Gesundtheit” because you don’t know how to spell the latter and are too lazy to look it up. Later, your friend posts a comment that mentions “Gesundtheit.” Do you admit your editing/laziness?
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