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So what have *YOU* done since graduation?

By Brian | September 24, 2007 | Share on Facebook

I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School in 1991. Every time I start to feel good about my job in Wall Street technology, someone or something comes along to put my feet back on the ground. This time, it was my former classmate, Garrett Reisman (who, for the record, I have no recollection of knowing or even meeting – it’s a big school):

“I just wanted to let everyone know that I am finally getting off this rock: I will blast into space as part of Space Shuttle mission STS-123, currently scheduled to launch on Feb. 14. I’ll perform a spacewalk, and then stay behind as a flight engineer on the International Space Station for expeditions 16 and 17. This long-duration spaceflight is planned for about six months. I promise to take a good group portrait when our orbit takes us over Philly: I’ll only have time to take one shot, so don’t blink.”

Godspeed, Garrett Reisman. Sorry you’ll be missing the reunion this year, but it sounds like you’ve got a pretty good excuse.

Topics: University of Pennsylvania | 2 Comments »

2 Responses to “So what have *YOU* done since graduation?”

  1. Jason says at September 25th, 2007 at 2:24 pm :
    Dang, that does kind of make you wonder what the heck you’ve been doing with your life, doesn’t it?

  2. Jen says at September 25th, 2007 at 8:28 pm :
    I know Garrett. We reconnected at the M&T celebration a couple of years ago. Since then, I’ve been waiting to find out when he was going up…