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Hava Nagila Goes Pop
By Brian | December 29, 2007 | Share on Facebook
A pop singer named Lauren Rose has released a version of the traditional Jewish folk dance, “Hava Nagila” in England. The song, apparently, had a shot at being the #1 song in the country on Christmas Day. No word (yet) on whether or not it actually got there, but still: Hava Nagila – a pop song?
The (English) words she’s singing, by the way, are not even close to a translation, with the exception of the “Baby, let’s dance” which is somewhat close to Hava Nagila (“Let us rejoice”).
Anyone who’s ever attended a Bar/Bat Mitzvah will probably find this amazing…
Topics: The World Wide Weird | 3 Comments »
No longer available off of his website, so I uploaded it here:
And the girl is pretty cute, too. That’s a plus.
Still, as you said, weird.
So, Jews are cool in England. And it only took 1,000 years.
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