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Some Events, I Just Can’t Fathom…
By Brian | December 6, 2009 | Share on Facebook
We took the kids to see Disney’s A Christmas Carol last night (super-quick review: an intense telling of the story, Jim Carey could legitimately win an Oscar for it if he isn’t careful, the 3-D is so good that I can’t imagine it not being the future of all movies, but way too scary for the kids – especially the seven-year old. Consider this your Parental Guidance). Anyway, during the previews (most of which were also in 3-D, by the way), there was an ad for something called FathomEvents.com.
The idea here is to bring special events into movie theaters for one-time only or limited-run performances. They have operas performed at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City, old-time movies that get eviscerated by the guys from Mystery Science Theater 3000, special on-location news reports by Elizabeth Vargas, and the like. Pretty cool idea, if you ask me. But then there’s this: “Glenn Beck
Topics: Movie Talk, Random Acts of Blogging | 4 Comments »
And incidentally, I’ve gone to a couple of Fathom broadcasts or performances or whatever you want to call them. They are cool, especially if you live in a smaller or more remote city that doesn’t have access to some of the cultural amenities it provides.
As for Fathom in general, yes – I think it’s a great idea. I hope people make good use of it in the more remote places, whatever they’re particular political or religious beliefs. Despite my rather flip remark in the post, I’m sure Glenn Beck will live or die by his ability to draw a crowd, as is always the case…
All of which is probably more info than you really wanted, but this subject is something I keep a concerned eye on.
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