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New York City Sights – Times Square Advertising, Part Deux

By Brian | February 2, 2010 | Share on Facebook

Two days ago, I posted a picture of a Weatherproof Jacket Ad featuring President Obama that hung over Times Square. Several commenters noted that The White House had complained about the ad and asked me to check if it had been subsequently removed.

Well, I must say, I’m impressed with Weatherproof’s marketing department:

President Obama doesn’t want to be in our ad? Fine, then, we’ll go with four Presidents who won’t complain – because they’re dead! The text in the upper-right corner (click here to see it more clearly) reads, “Fit for a President.” Which one, of course, they’re not saying…

Topics: New York, New York | 3 Comments »

3 Responses to “New York City Sights – Times Square Advertising, Part Deux”

  1. Suzanne says at February 2nd, 2010 at 11:03 am :
    Maybe the (current) President should start signing endorsement deals. Could be a way to cover some of the budget deficit!

  2. Brian says at February 2nd, 2010 at 12:37 pm :
    Or maybe he shouldn’t complain when someone gives him an endorsement deal, and rather request payment for it?

    (NOTE: as I said in the other post, I’m just kidding here. I have no desire to see our President hawking sportswear on billboards for money. Bad enough he was trying to sell us GM cars a few months back…)

  3. FamilyGreenberg.Com - New York City Sights – Times Square Advertising says at February 2nd, 2010 at 12:41 pm :
    […] Brian on New York City Sights – Times Square Advertising, Part Deux […]