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New York City Sights – Times Square Bomb Squad
By Brian | May 7, 2010 | Share on Facebook
According to the NYPD, every time there’s a high profile incident in the city (like the Times Square bombing attempt from last weekend), reports of suspicious packages, activities, etc. go up by roughly 30%. This afternoon, someone left a cooler in a Times Square pedestrian area, prompting a concerned citizen to report it, which in turn prompted the NYPD to evacuate a three-block area and call in the bomb squad. As it turned out, the cooler contained water bottles and some books. Times Square was re-opened after a few hours of excitement.
While this isn’t funny in any sense of the word, it does provide us with this image, which I can honestly say reminds me of an ad for Toy Story 3, rather than the serious situation that it was.
Just goes to show ya: a picture is worth 1,000 words, but sometimes 995 of those words are wrong…
Topics: New York, New York | 1 Comment »
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