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Brain Celebri-teasers: Week #3

By Brian | January 17, 2011 | Share on Facebook

Welcome back to Brain Celebri-teasers. This is Week #3. Here’s this week’s puzzle:

Week #3
Clue:For a while, these two women shared a twin billing in Washington

Week #3 introduces a new category – Politics, but returns to the “Easy” difficulty level. Only one point for the winner, but don’t slack off – every point will count as we approach the end of the year!

Remember – the solution will be posted on Thursday, so you have 3-4 days to guess. Put your answer in the comments section – first comment (by timestamp) wins.

Now that the contest is over, you can click here to see the answer.

Good luck!

Topics: Brain Celebri-teasers | 5 Comments »

5 Responses to “Brain Celebri-teasers: Week #3”

  1. Mike says at January 17th, 2011 at 8:42 am :
    Hillary Clinton and Monica Lewinsky

  2. Ilya says at January 17th, 2011 at 12:11 pm :
    Mike wins – Hillary and Monica

  3. jason says at January 17th, 2011 at 1:32 pm :
    Yep, no question here – Monica and Hilary. May I just say that while I find both women reasonably attractive in their unmerged state, this combined form is weirdly disturbing? I mean even more than the previous, more obvious mashups?

  4. Jeff Porten says at January 18th, 2011 at 4:02 am :
    Monica and Hillary, and you are continuing to give me nightmares. Bill, too.

  5. Brian says at January 18th, 2011 at 8:38 am :
    That’s OK, Jeff – Bill gave lots of people nightmares. You’re just catching up now (j/k)