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How People Found Me – January-March, 2010
By Brian | March 31, 2010 | Share on Facebook
And now, another installment of the irrationally popular, “How People Found Me,” in which I highlight some of the Google queries that resulted in people clicking through to I Should Be Sleeping. In today’s epside, we begin with:
1) Bizarre Billy Joel Queries
I’ve written about Billy Joel a fair amount in these pages, so I attract an eclectic array of search strings. For example:
Topics: Tech Talk | 3 Comments »Query Comments billy joel doesn’t like to clean kitchen Well, for a guy who doesn’t like to clean up, he sure has a knack for ensuring that he lives alone, huh? I guess he could always hire a cleaning service
3 Responses to “How People Found Me – January-March, 2010”
Ben Franklin endowment: Ben famously set aside a savings account each for Boston and Philadelphia, with instructions that it not be touched for 200 years of compounded interest. IIRC, Philly did something screwy with the money and had enough available to throw a party, while Boston let it sit and used it to revamp half their infrastructure. Wouldn’t be a bit surprised if an ice cream party for all of Harvard was part of that.
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