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Ch-Ch-Changes: Solution – Week #1
By Brian | January 9, 2012 | Share on Facebook
Welcome back to Ch-Ch-Changes. It’s time to reveal the solution to the Week #1 puzzle:

The five changes to this picture were:
- The colors of the stripes on the American Flag were reversed (White <-> Red)
- The reflection in the astronaut’s helmet was changed from the photographer on the moon to the earth
- The astronaut is wearing a Star Trek communicator on his right breast
- The astronaut is wearing an iPod Classic on his right sleeve
- The moon rover has a Lexus logo on its hubcap
Congrats to all who guessed correctly. The scores after one week are as follows:
Player | Correct Answers |
Michael Weinmayr | 5 |
Joe Woods | 5 |
Ilya | 5 |
Konstantin | 4 |
Harlan Freilicher (via Facebook) | 4 |
See you next Wednesday! Thanks for playing…
Topics: Ch-Ch-Changes | 4 Comments »
Let me check it out…
My choices seem to be either a) set the whole blog to put comments in the moderation queue, or b) allow comments to flow freely. There is no way to hide comments on a single blog post.
The only other thing I can think of is to turn comments off on these posts, and require everyone to e-mail me their guesses (maybe to a separate e-mail address?) I see two problems with this approach: first, I’ll forget to post them – I just know I will. And second, I think people will not bother playing if it’s not as easy as just posting a comment.
Let me know if you think of something I’m missing. Otherwise, it’s an “open book” exam. Best I can do is suggest you don’t scroll down to the comments until you’re done guessing and then see how you did. Obviously, it opens up the contest to “cheating,” but heck – given the prize money involved ($0), those who cheat are only cheating themselves.
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